
Commercial Masonry Restoration: Repairing Spalling Bricks


Commercial Masonry Restoration: Repairing Spalling Bricks

Commercial buildings often stand as icons of durability and resilience, but the test of time can take its toll on even the sturdiest structures. Among the many challenges faced by these structures, spalling bricks is a common and concerning issue. Spalling, characterized by the flaking, chipping, or breaking off of brick surfaces, can result from factors such as moisture, freeze-thaw cycles, and wear and tear. To maintain the integrity and appearance of your commercial property, professional commercial masonry restoration is key. Our expert masons at Abbot Building Restoration are dedicated to repairing and restoring historic and commercial buildings in and around Boston.


In this article, we’re outlining the process of commercial masonry restoration to repair spalling bricks.


Assessment and Preparation

Masonry restoration begins with a thorough assessment of the affected areas. An experienced mason will carefully inspect the extent of the damage and the underlying causes. This evaluation sets the stage for tailored solutions, ensuring that repairs address the root of the problem. Safety is paramount throughout this process, with masons wearing protective gear to safeguard against dust and debris.


Cleaning and Spalled Area Removal

Once the assessment is complete, the cleaning process commences. Removing dirt, dust, and loose debris ensures a clean surface for repair. Following cleaning, damaged portions of the bricks are expertly removed using chisels and hammers. The goal is to create a smooth, even surface without damaging surrounding bricks.


Replacing and Mortar Repair

In cases where the damage is extensive and impacts structural integrity, damaged bricks may need replacing. Care is taken to select bricks that match in size, color, and texture. After removing the damaged bricks, new ones are securely installed and mortared in place. High-quality mortar matching the existing material is used for a seamless repair.


Sealing and Preventive Measures

To protect the restored masonry from future damage due to moisture, masons may apply a suitable masonry sealer. This layer acts as a shield against the elements, preserving the repaired brickwork. Simultaneously, addressing the root causes of spalling is vital. Drainage improvements, fixing leaky gutters, and ensuring proper waterproofing all contribute to long-term masonry health.


Regular Maintenance

Commercial property owners must remain vigilant and invest in regular inspections and maintenance. Early detection of spalling or other issues allows for timely interventions, extending the life of the masonry and preventing more extensive repairs.


Abbot Building Restoration | Commercial Masonry Restoration

Commercial masonry restoration and repairing spalling bricks is a critical aspect of preserving the structural integrity and aesthetic appeal of your commercial property. While this process involves several steps, it’s essential to consult with experienced masons or professionals to ensure that the restoration is done correctly. By addressing spalling bricks promptly and effectively, you can protect your investment and keep your property looking its best for years to come.


Contact our team at Abbot Building Restoration to learn more about our services. To view our work, check out our gallery of previous commercial masonry restoration projects.

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